Tuesday, August 28, 2012

#BlogElul 10 - Making Memories

 Over the last two years I have done a lot of thinking, brainstorming, pondering, and experimenting related to the goal of religious education in our congregational program. Last year, I started preaching to my faculty (I have been known to have a soap box or two) that one of our goals was creating positive Jewish memories for our students.

With today's technology, we have a lot of tools to help us craft memories. Obviously, the first piece is having a meaningful experience. But the second part is documenting it - by video, photo, scanned documents, the possibilities are endless.

Starting last year we have been compiling these documents, filing them by student (Picasa has been amazing for this) with the following goal: When a child becomes Bar or Bat Mitzvah s/he receives a photo book from the religious school. Within it's pages are pictures, photos, writings, and more that document this child's Jewish journey up to this point. I know for me the memories that are the strongest are the ones I have in pictures!

We'll start to see how it goes - but my guess is that pictures like these will evoke positive Jewish memories!

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