Thursday, September 6, 2012

#BlogElul 18 "Who Do I Love"

I do a lot better with intellectual concepts than I do with emotions. That may have something to do with why I am now several days behind in my blogging. 

This is a time in the Jewish calendar when we are taking inventory of who we are - and a large part of who I am, is who I love. By no means is this an exhaustive list, but here is a start:

  • My mother - this has been a hell of a year for us, and it has been such a long road from my teenage years where we couldn't talk, but could only yell, and I wouldn't trade any of it
  • My father - the challenges of this past year have brought us closer and allowed us to talk openly about emotions and feelings and other mushy non-intellectual stuff
  • My brother - as he has grown into "an adult" (whatever that means) we are redefining our relationship and I have so much respect for who he is, his integrity, and his commitment to his wife and his family
  • The people I work with - I am so lucky because I love my job and I love who I work with. They challenge me, and support me, they accept me and they inspire me
  • The students who brighten my days - the hugs, the smiles, the questions, the challenges
And of course...

  • My partner in life - who loves me unconditionally through the easy stuff and the hard stuff, the silly and the serious, and the just plain ludicrous, who makes me smile - no matter how long it takes, and who allows me to be the best me that I can!

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